Nowadays, you can find nearly any piece of information about another person with a simple Google search. But what if you don’t have someone’s name to start with? Maybe you witness reckless driving or you’re wondering who keeps parking his car in front of your house. In both cases, you may want to know how to find a name and address by using a license plate number. If you have the vehicle’s license plate number and the state in which the license was issued, there are a few ways to seek out the driver’s information. In this article, we will discuss how to find the owner of a license plate number, as well as how to find an address by license plate search.

How Can I Find the Owner of a License Plate Number?

Finding the owner of a license plate number can tell you a lot of basic information about a person, like their name, address, and public records. Fortunately, once you find a name by license plate search, the rest of your investigation will be much easier, whether you want to look up the person’s criminal records, driving history, or even their social media profiles.

Find Name and Address by License Plate

Note: State laws dictate what information you can obtain about a driver by looking up a vehicle license plate. In some states, finding a name and address using a license plate number may not be possible or legal.

Contact the DMV To Find Name and Address by License Plate

The Department of Motor Vehicles is authorized to run license plate lookups — they have record of all registered license plates, as well as driver records. To start, reach out to the appropriate state’s DMV to find out if driver information is considered public information in that jurisdiction. If a records request is allowed in that state, you will be able to file one over the phone or on the DMV website.

Prepare a Formal Request

Most states require you to submit a formal request for information. Typically, these are forms that can be acquired from state government offices, websites, or the DMV. A fee may be associated with making the request, and waiting times for search results vary by jurisdiction.

Review the Results

Once you have filed the request, some state governments will mail a copy of the documents, while others will send a link where the paperwork can be viewed online. Occasionally, you’ll be required to visit a government office to view the documents. You may be able to copy them, but be prepared to pay a nominal copying fee.

Contact the Police to Find Name and Address by License Plate

If you have witnessed a crime like a hit and run, you may want to find out the name and address of a person by their license plate number. It may sound tempting to play detective and start searching for the criminal online, but it is best to reach out to the police first. If you were involved in the crime, are a victim, or witnessed an incident, you can simply visit your local police station or call them to give them the license plate number.

After the investigation has taken place and the case has closed, you will be able to ask for the police report and records, which will typically have the name and address of the person you were looking for.

Other Ways to Find a Name and Address Using a License Plate Number

More often than not, finding a name and address using a license plate number is not authorized by the DMV or other government agencies, so you may result to an internet search.

Simply plugging the license plate number and the state into an online search engine is likely to reveal a number of results. Most of these come from a third-party independent search firm that has the connections necessary to obtain public information documents.

However, be aware that many of these search firms are not reputable. Certain red flags to look for include promises of free searches and immediate results. Many websites that claim their services are free eventually ask for a fee or a paid membership before you receive any actual search results. Search firms that promise instant results are likely using old, out-of-date databases that may yield useless information.

Reputable search firms exist, but they will be upfront about pricing and the timelines for their services.

Authorized Reasons for Accessing License Plate Records

Every state has different regulations for releasing a driver’s information from their license plate records. These regulations are in place to protect individuals, but there are specific authorized reasons that allow the release of the information. Some of these situations include:

  • Insurance providers working on a claim
  • Law enforcement investigations (car accidents, theft, product recalls)
  • Agencies performing market research
  • A business attempting to verify an individual’s identity

Public Safety Concerns

Other reasons someone may need a person’s information from their license plate number may be more serious. If you were the victim of a crime like a hit and run, or if someone left a vehicle on your business’ property, contact the authorities immediately.

In either situation, record as much information as you can about the vehicle and its owner. Specifically, take photos of the license plate number, noting the state, city, and expiration date of the plate. You can also take photos of the entire vehicle to help the police identify the suspect. This information will also be helpful for your insurance company, who you should contact next if there was any damage to your vehicle.

If you are looking to find a license plate owner, check out our guide on how to look up license plate numbers.

Have More Legal Questions?

When you or someone you’re close to have a run-in with the law, it can be confusing at best. You can have a local attorney provide you with a free case evaluation to help answer your questions and make a plan for the future.

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