Every person with a mobility problem knows the value of being able to park as close as possible to a store, medical facility or office building. Having a handicap parking permit lets individuals with qualifying medical conditions use those reserved handicap parking spaces that are closer to stores and buildings. Depending on the reason for the permit, handicap parking permits can be either permanent or temporary. Parking permits can be either a placard to be displayed in the front windshield area of a vehicle, a sticker to be placed on the outside of the vehicle, or a license plate.

In most cases, the individual with the medical condition is required to apply for the handicap parking permit. However, if a person’s medical condition does not allow this individual to do the driving, the person who will be driving for someone can apply for a permit and can only use the permit when the handicapped individual is in the vehicle.

Temporary parking permits are issued to people who have short term disabilities with expectations of full recoveries. The parking permits will be placards to be displayed in the front windshield area. Permanent parking permits are issued to people who have medical conditions that are not expected to improve.

The most typical medical conditions that qualify for a handicap parking permit are: impaired vision, the need for walking equipment such as a cane or a wheelchair, not having the full use of arms or legs, physical conditions that make walking painful such as arthritic conditions or back or leg deformities, the need to carry a breathing device, cardiac conditions, or a recovery period following a medical procedure or surgery.

The applicant fills out the required form and, depending on the state, files the application electronically using a credit or debit card for any fees or mails the application with a check for any fees. The majority of the states will require a medical professional to either fill out a portion of the application or provide a written description of the applicant’s disability.

Every state has a process to determine if someone qualifies for a handicap parking permit and it is generally handled by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or the County Tax Office. The website www.dmv.org/disabled-drivers.php provides a state-by-state listing of where to apply, how to apply and what fees may apply.

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