Blue Book
A shortened name for the “Kelley Blue Book,” which publishes the values of used vehicles.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
A shortened name for the “Kelley Blue Book,” which publishes the values of used vehicles.
This term refers to a club or a bludgeon. Many police officers carry a billy.
This applies to the state of a brain that shows no electrical activity.
The question is to balance the relief given to the plaintiff against the injury that will be done to the defendant. TLD Example: The court weighed the balance of convenience and opted not
This the right that the accused has to be represented by an attorney who will be given ample time to study and to prepare the defence for his client.
This term applies to a conference that is held in secret.
a statute that prevents selling the stock of a fraudulent company.
International matters. Where a country wants to protect itself against a country or countries that may attack it by making alliances with a friendly country.
the phrase that means that the crime charged has been committed by a person.
the court that has jurisdiction over bankruptcy proceedings.
the term used when a suit is brought to trial when the trial has already started.
These are laws passed in order to aid creditors to collect money that is owed to them by a bankrupt person or company. See chapter eleven; insolvency laws.
term used to ask for something; to implore; or to seek eagerly.
a dangerous weapon or a club made of a heavy wood that sometimes has lead at its centre.
the theory that if you back out of an agreement you must see to it that the other party does not suffer from it.
This term means that a person has the legal ownership of something.
This means to grant or bequeath something.
a federal law that assumes jurisdiction over any crimes committed against a national or federal bank.
the trial where the judge will find the facts and also apply the law instead of letting a jury decide the law.
term given to any money that is received during an unlawful enterprise; money that is paid as a bribe.
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