Three Features of a Kangaroo Court
Court proceedings that lack the due process protections people associate with courts of law have earned the name “kangaroo court.” The term has been in use since at least the 19th century,
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Court proceedings that lack the due process protections people associate with courts of law have earned the name “kangaroo court.” The term has been in use since at least the 19th century,
a phrase that means to be accidentally killed but not during the committing of an act this is unlawful.
a term used to apply to a crime that is carried out intentionally and with a full awareness.
the name that is given to an unauthorised court that is set up without legal power and authority that takes the law into its own hands.
term used to describe a thing that is recognised, like a well known person, a fact that is understood or a thing that is familiar.
a term meaning to hold, to maintain, to support, to retain in possession and to take care of.
term that describes writing a cheque from another bank to cover a cheque that is overdrawn.
Also referred to as a HR-10 plan. A plan that allows those who are self-employed to set up a retirement plan and have access to tax benefits comparative to the benefits offered
Business analysts evaluate a firm’s financial position and income using these financial performance measures. They are reliably indicate management competence, specifically when compared to previous periods or against a competitor’s ratios. Net
Parents usually dip into retirement monies to offset extra bills when an adult child returns home unable to live because the expense is too great.
Expressed in kilograms of force as a ratio of applied force. Penetration depth is measured in millimeters. Material hardness test of impact depth, not area. A pointed rhombohedral diamond is a highly
In the US self-employed individuals and employees with no pension plan can set up this self-contributory saving or pension plan. New York Congressman Eugene J. Keogh proposed it. Individuals set aside a
Security scheme requiring unifying parts so that a decryption key can be used. Separated parts occur by dividing a code number or decryption algorithm into two or more parts so that no
Cancelling an investment transaction prior to the system receiving its posting.
A copyright, patent, other documentation that generates income as intellectual capital. See, e.g., How to Get a Copyright: A Step-By-Step Guide
User authentication scheme for Open source (non-proprietary) and public domain (free). A client-server environment’s network security system. Named after Greek mythology’s fierce three-headed guard dog. At user login and every service request,
Typically employed in managerial or supervisory level employee training. Determining the level of performance required, time taken, quality of outcome, and total job or project quality by the study of a set
While being overcome in a hostile bidding war, a company receives a saving grace.
Concepts, data, objectives, requirements, rules, and specifications as an organized knowledge repository. Typically this is a computer system, less often, an organization. It can be (1) a retrieval either as an expert
Software named after the Muppet frog character in the children’s educational program, Sesame Street. Controls data exchanges between PCs and mainframe computers. It is an asynchronous file-transfer protocol, largely replaced by internet
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