One born after the death of its father; or, when the Cawa- reuu operation is performed, after that of the mother. Posthumus pro uato habetur. A posthumous child is considered us though
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
One born after the death of its father; or, when the Cawa- reuu operation is performed, after that of the mother. Posthumus pro uato habetur. A posthumous child is considered us though
Proximate damages are the immediate and direct damages and natural results of the act complained of, and such as are usual and might have been expected. Remote damages are those attributable immediately
Such as can be estimated in and compensated by money; not merely the loss of money or salable property or rights, but all such loss, deprivation, or injury as can be made
A debt upon which, by agreement between the debtor and creditor, no interest is payable, as distinguished from active debt; i. c., a debt upon which interest is payable. In this sense,
That which is due or owing by the government of a state or nation. The terms “public debt” and “public securities,” used in legislation, are terms generally applied to national or state
In Scotch law. A debt due now and unconditionally is so called. It is thus distinguished from a future debt,
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