a term given to the direct and hand to hand delivery of a summons.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
a term given to the direct and hand to hand delivery of a summons.
a right afforded under the constitution for people to meat peacefully and discuss important matters.
a term that is used to declare something publicly and to acknowledge openly.
the name that is given to the right to payment of a set share of money that has been earned from mined minerals.
a court action that deals with the matters of estates and wills.
a term that is used for the head of the post office department.
1. A Latin phrase for each day. 2. A payment made for a days work, not paid weekly or monthly but daily.
the term that is used for a court edict where a spouse must support the other and any children indefinitely and permanently.
the name that is given to the form of mental illness that is characterised by hallucinations, delusions and feeling of being persecuted.
the term that is applied to a partition or to a wall that separates the property of different owners.
a plea that will deny the substantial charges and specify a fact that will make the position of the plaintiff untenable.
the term that is given to the right according to law that is different to a moral right.
a term that is used to describe the temporary injunction or a preliminary restraining order.
the term that is applied to bodily harm that a person will inflict on another person.
a term for a part interest or ownership of property or the property that a mortgagee possesses on a piece of real estate such a s a house, etc.
This occurs during a trial when a defendant voluntarily gives up his right to keep some information private.
the term used for the inferences and assumptions that are recognised by law due to their frequent occurrence, importance and believability.
The term that is used to describe a murder that was planned in advance and was carried out willfully. TLD Example: Hiring someone to carry out the killing was enough evidence for
the term that describes picketing that misrepresents the facts and is based on false statements.
a term that is given to the speaking or writing at a great length that is often tedious and boring.
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