Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Property Damage Coverage
Auto insurance that covers damage to the insured vehicle when an accident is caused by another driver who has insufficient insurance to cover the damage him or herself.
Your Free Online Legal Dictionary • Featuring Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed.
Auto insurance that covers damage to the insured vehicle when an accident is caused by another driver who has insufficient insurance to cover the damage him or herself.
a medical term in law that lets a physician treat an unconscious child without consent of there is no on available to give consent.
a doctrine that a decision should not favour the plaintiff who has not acted accordingly and honestly.
a fact that is admitted and has no controversy surrounding it.
a term that means a person is not yet married.
the Latin word for where.
a the term that means it is not yet due.
This term is applied to a group of people who act together in a common enterprise and for a common purpose.
the answer by a witness that does not answer the question he was asked.
These are the practices that will interfere or do away with a free trade.
the Latin word for where above mentioned.
a phrase for using the best care and diligence and skill a person has to perform an act.
a lease to drill for oil or gas that will terminate unless drilling starts by a set date.
an award that is awarded to a woman who is divorced that includes support for her children and for herself.
the person who is the chief law enforcement officer of the US. He is a cabinet minister and is in charge of the FBI and the Department of Justice.
the term that means to retain the rights to make an objection later on.
This phrase means to practice law without having a license to do so.
This term applies to the pardon that is given without any terms and conditions.
the term given to an injury that has occurred even after all due care and diligence was practiced.
a conscious use of the US Postal Service to send out fraudulent material to try to gain from it.
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